Matthews Residents, we are excited to kick off our regular project updates, in order to keep you ‘in the know’ on the progress of the new Matthews Fire Station #3. The Samet team has been onsite for a handful of weeks prepping for the exciting work of building this structure.

To kick things off, many trees were cleared and grading was completed to level out the property. From there, work began on erosion control systems by way of sediment ponds and underground storm piping. The underground storm piping continues to be installed around the property.

The first hint of a building arrived onsite with the grading of the building pad, allowing us to see the full size layout of the building to come. Once a proofroll was completed to determine the quality of the dirt was up to par, our concrete crews arrived on site. They began work tying rebar and digging footings in preparation of our first concrete pour. The first portion of our building footings were poured today, bringing us one step closer to our finished product!

Check in next week to see our continued progress! Happy Memorial Day!