October 25, 2024

10.25.24 Update


Hello, all! Hard to believe that it is almost Halloween! The jobsite has been buzzing through the month of October and the Fire Station is looking beautiful!

On the exterior, brick is completely finished and siding is installed and we are almost complete with our full first coat of paint on all of the siding. Before the masons left, they hung the precast background for the future signage that will be installed closer to the end of the project.

Our sitework contractor has been busy wrapping up storm and water piping underground and getting started on grading, curbs, gutters, and concrete driveway paving. This is really bringing the site together and we are excited to continue to see this space transform!

On the inside of the building, drywall is installed and the first coat of paint is complete! Tile is completed in some restrooms and in progress in others. Ceiling grid for the acoustical ceiling tiles is wrapped up as well.

Additionally, our MEP trade partners have been busy inside AND outside of the building completing their respective work to get power and air conditioning up and running! This week Duke completed their work to install their power pole onsite as well and the Generator, Transformer, and ATS have all been installed.

We will be back with another exciting update in a couple of weeks to show you even more progress!


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